This blog is about my private venture into having Mr. John (Poshgoblin) Pickford doing me a small range of 28mm dwarf miniatures that will fulfill my personal need for more dark, sinister and vicious dwarfs.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Ewal Dvergar with guns and an alternative drummer

This week, the next batch of miniatures were sent out for master moulding in the UK.

This batch includes the previously shown Son's of Siegward by Sjoerd Trouwee and then the new warriors with guns but also an alternative musician by John Pickford.

First, is the new drummer. This piece is a re-mastered version of the first one, but the overall appearance is much changed and only the basic armour is still the same.
I Think, John did a magnificent job on the conversion and I'm really looking forward getting a metal version of this on here.

The next 4 miniatures are replacements for the current Grenadiers. The Grenadiers have served their time and will be replaced by proper Pickford ones.

The set is a rework of the three existing Crossbowmen - but also a completely new fourth sculpt. The gunners will re-use the swappable Sallet/helmet system found on the Crossbowmen. Here's the 3 new headless gunner-poses:

Headless gunners #1-3

As said, the will re-use the swappable helmet system, but for adding more variety no more that 12 new helmets have been made.

Helmet/Sallet #1-6

Helmet/Sallet #7-12

And with the 6 already made for the Crossbowmen I now have 18 helmets to choose from.

Non of the existing Crossbowmen were really suited for an aiming pose, so we decided a dedicated sculpt was needed. Due to his pose its a single piece sculpt.

New gunner in an aiming pose

To make of for the lack of swappable helmet he'll come with a few visors.

Visor options

Actually, these visors will also work rather well on the new drummer, I think.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Painted Crossbowmen and Command Group

I've managed to actually do some painting, myself. I've been looking much forward working with the new figures, the Crossbow-men in particular, and I really, really enjoyed painting them. They have such a nice balance of smooth surfaces, crisp details and a bag full of character - and had much fun doing them. So pleased with them that, actually - that I've just undercoat another batch :)

Thursday 5 March 2015

The Son's of Siegward

When a dvergr is exposed to evil powers and welcomes it, he'll soon be commanded to join the forces of the Ewal Lord. If he proves himself loyal and if he fights furiously and hard enough he might even climb the ranks of the Ewal Dvergar and will then be joining the veteran warriors. These veteran warriors, who have been rewarded with the best armour and weaponry, are the elite forces of any Ewal Dvergar army.

However, the most fanatic and violent amongst the Ewal Dvergar will try seek their Lord's blessing - but only a very few will survive that. Should they succeed, they will often been assigned as company commander or appointed Ewal Dvergr Champion. But to some, that is not enough. Some, are willing to pay the ultimate price becoming favoured by their Lord. Such warriors are gifted with unbelievable powers for the price of their soul. These warriors are knowed as The Son's of Siegward.

Son's of Siegward: Grinner Dragarm

Son's of Siegward: Sanqis Bigleap

Son's of Siegward: Branding Hyld

All 3 miniatures are sculpted by fantastic Sjoerd Trouwee. All will be sent out for mastering within the new few days and then added to a planned characters mould - being made late spring 2015.