This blog is about my private venture into having Mr. John (Poshgoblin) Pickford doing me a small range of 28mm dwarf miniatures that will fulfill my personal need for more dark, sinister and vicious dwarfs.

Thursday 31 March 2022


Just to remind you all that the Ewal Dvergar Kickstarter will end tonight at 10pm. 

It's been a great success and I'm so happy that we can add not only a mounted general and one on foot  to the range - but also that the long anticipated Boar Centaurs are added to the range.❤

Sunday 20 March 2022

Next phase

I'm so happy to announce that the transfer the production and sale of the Ewal Dvergar to Old School Miniatures ( is almost complete.

Today, on March 20th 2022, OSM will launch the: "OSM Presents Ewal Dvergar an Evil Dwarf Army of Metal Minis" Kickstarter.

It's been taking awhile, but it's been worth the wait and I'm so excited finally be able to share the love of these with you all.

You'll find the Kickstarter here:

- but you might also like to join our new Facebook group the Ewal Dvergar - Evil Dwarfs. You'll find it here: